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Coding Projects

Collin's first coding language he learned was MATLAB for a college course. But after that he learned Python 3 to code small projects that he was passionate about. After become an intermediate coder in this language, he has also learned, C++, JavaScript, R, HTML, CSS, EJS and Node in which he uses for many personal projects

Automated Business Image Generator

Over the last couple of years, Collin has been running a company called Remarkable Roads that specializes in maps from all over the world. He is creating a spinoff company that focuses on campus maps and after the weeks of manually creating photos initially. He decided to use his coding knowledge to fully automate the process. Over the span of 2 hours, 15 gigabytes of images and mockups were generated.

Autmated Image Generator

Simulated Economy

Simulated Economy

Collin's most ambitious project to date is a simulated economy. In pursuing his Masters in Information Systems at UF, he discovered his passion for being to able to create predictive models and wished to be able to make a model to predict the viability of new products entering into a market. To help with this, he decided a way to create the data would be to initially setup a simulated economy. Included are screen captures of 2 of the major data frames, one is the database of consumers and all the information about them as well another database containing all the products in the simulated economy. In this economy, consumers are assigned a variety of values and each consumer uses this to make decisions about which products to buy. Products have different features that may or may not appeal to consumers. Other than product features and quality attributes, products have marketing spending limits that help determine which consumers are aware of the products existence. Consumers must be aware of a products existence before they can even consider if the product appeals to them or not. This economy is iterative and consumers accrue wealth from jobs assigned from a distribution of the highest level of education attained. There are many many more features that are already added to this program and almost an unlimited number of features that will be added eventually. 


Blackjack & Card Counting Simulator

Collin's first project he created was a poker simulator that would allow him to learn how to card count. This was coded in Python and sparked a long-term interest in coding as it allowed him to create anything he dreamt of.

poker sim regular.PNG
poker sim cheats.PNG
Card Counting Simulator

Character Quantifier

Collin's second project after completing the Poker Simulator was a character quantifier. He was interested in analyzing the differences between how the quantity of certain letters varied between different styles of text. He loaded text from a variety of sources. Some of these include: Macbeth, the US Constitution, Twitter posts, Press release statements & Internet Memes. This project was very early on in Collin's coding career and is notable because of his 'home-brewed' bar chart functionality that used scaled tables with filled cells to represent the frequency. 

character quant before.PNG
character quant after.PNG
Character Quantifier
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