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Product Design

Since his introduction to 3D design after obtaining an internship with a military contractor, Collin learned Solidworks CAD and other 3D modeling softwares. He combined this skill with desining theoretical products that he could hopefully bring into the real world.

Yacht #3

Yacht #3

His most recent yacht Collin designed in Solidworks,, is based on a 33 meter yacht and has a full realistic interior. The video included shows a partial walkthrough of the exterior and interior. This model has over 200 components. This yacht is significantly more modern in style compared to his previous yachts and incorporates many complex curves in the hull.

MainDeck FullFirstRender.JPG
lowerDeck FirstRender.JPG
Yacht #2

Yacht #2

In his 2nd exploration into 3D modeling a yacht, Collin selected plans for a 100 meter yacht that was much larger than the initial yacht he created. His goal was to challenge himself with making a much more detailed interior while also incorporating some complex curves' and advanced SolidWorks practices. 

Yacht #1

Yacht #1

Collin's first exploration into an extremely large and complicated 3D modeling project was created after deciding to challenge himself to use real yacht plans to construct it digitally. The video contains an exterior and interior walkthrough of the entire yacht.

Product Developmet #1

This product idea, which is one of many, is based on a pop-up design for a fan. It would allow a fan to be flush within a floor, deck or wall. But could be pulled out and the flaps would open allowing air to flow in and out of the embedded fan inside

closed fan.PNG
opened fan.PNG

This experiment in 3D design allowed me to create a relatively complex assembly. The design is to function as a combination lock, with programable tumblers. A challenge to myself in designing this was to make the lock unable to open without the correct combination input. The lock body is made up of two interlocking pieces that are held together by a screw that goes down the shackle hole. Once, 3D printed and processed, the lock worked well and despite it being made up of plastic, is relatively robust


These renders below are for a company called JoyRidr. Reference the 'Companies' tab to learn more information. This projet was Collin's largest Solidworks project that included over 50 individual pieces and a large assembly file.

top down.JPG
Rear View.JPG
side view.JPG

Below are the initial Solidworks 3D files that evolved over time to the files displayed above

top down V2.JPG
back to door view.JPG
3D Printed Lock
Part Bus Designs

3D Projects

Aside from design products in 3D designing softwares. Collin enjoys modeling in his free time. Below you will find renders of a weed-whacker powered jet drive RC boat that he 3D printed and assembled as well as some engines that he designed for fun.

top down boat.PNG
exploded boat.PNG
side boat.PNG
Weed Whacker Boat
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